
Saturday, June 25, 2016

KLE – Class of 96

Though miles may lie between us, we are never far apart, for the friendship doesn’t count miles, its measured by the heart. 

Back to College, back to connecting.  Together is the favorite place to be…Let’s get together..Is what we thought and planned. 

On June4th while chatting with Subbu (subramani) there was adiscussion on completing 20 years of our graduation way back in 1996.  So Subbu and I thought of bringing those memorable days back. What better way than Whatsapp.  On June 5th we started this Whatsapp group KLE – Class of 96.Class reunions are a great way to catch up with old friends, relive old memories and bring back the innocence inside you.. It’s fun to share experiences with people you have known for many, many years.
It all started the journey of getting together.We were able to get around 40 people from our class.  Already the discussions had started onthe blasting that we received from our lecturers, last day party at a wine store where we were very lucky that the owner did not drive us out, to the record Jeans worn by Nagi and myself for almost 6 months. Already, whatsapp group had become Wattawatta and is still running in full zoom.  We needed to plan the big day to meet.  Looking at everyone’s calendar we finalized June 25th as the day. The Place….KLE Footpath..While many people will say that high school and college was the best time of their lives, it’s also an honor and privilege to remember some former teachers from our college who taught us so much.

The first to arrive were Ramanan and Srinivas.  They were so excited that they started sending selfies on the group.  Waited for few more folks to join.  Sandy, Arun, Sridhar, Manjunath, Sunil NS, Subbu, Sanjeev, Dinesha, SunilMB, Suneetha, Bharathi, susheela, ShreeLakshmi, Bhavana, Jayamala, Devrani. We first did a formal reintroduction, as recognizing people was tough since many of us met after years.  It was interesting to see how people had changed. Everyone was really nice, an advantage of being older & mature.

It was really nice for everyone to get together and just walk around the campus;we get so busy with day to day jobs, that we don’t get time to keep in contact with our friends.  Also we could catch up on much needed talks with our friends and find out what has been going around their lives. We remembered our college Principal, Lecturers, parents and almost everyone were trying to make us study.  They tortured us, threatened us, called our parents and complained and at last came to the point of begging.  But you know, we guys were resilient.  We never cared.  (but there are times when i think we should have cared.)
Its feels so good to bring back memories of our college days i.e.20years back. Seeing the Classrooms which we had attended 20 years back, entered and sitting in front of the library and taking snaps was like getting back the old memories.